
What To Look For In An Engagement Ring

When shopping for an engagement ring, it’s important that you’re prepared before you go shopping. Whether you’re doing this with your partner or the partner is going solo, understanding what to look for in an engagement ring is beneficial.

Chances are a lot of people who are shopping for an engagement ring, are often doing it for the first time. So, with that being said, navigating this experience is likely to be a little daunting for some.

Here are some top tips on what to look for in an engagement ring.

The Cost

Firstly, how much are you willing to spend on your partner? If you’ve been fairly open about getting engaged, perhaps you’ve discussed how much you’d expect them to spend. Everyone is different and while not everyone might have the money to buy a ring that’s worth tens of thousands of pounds, others might want to spend as much as they can.

The cost is something that’s personal to each and every individual. Often it’s said that when it comes to the cost of the ring, it should be three times your monthly salary. However, that’s just a guide and not something to be strict about.

Consider how much you’d like to spend and what is comfortable for you financially.

The 4 Cs

There are four Cs when it comes to diamonds. Clarity, cut, carat, and colour. It’s useful to understand what these all mean when you’re shopping for a diamond ring. Some might opt for other stones but diamonds tend to feature heavily in an engagement ring of any size.

The 4 Cs will certainly affect the price you pay, so it’s worth doing the research and seeing what your budget will stretch to.

Is it something they would wear?

Ask yourself the important question. Will it be something your significant other wears? They may have likely dropped hints in the past about engagement rings they like and if they’ve not done that, then checking out their existing jewellery collection might be a useful place to start.

Remember to ask yourself this question every time you come close to saying yes to a ring. It will be the deciding question and answer that determines whether it’s the right one or not.

Explore outside of the box

When it comes to engagement rings, there are those that are perhaps fairly similar from one to the other. You might want to consider exploring outside of the box and going for something more unique.

For example, your partner might be a fan of different stones rather than just a clear, white diamond. Perhaps they love rubies or sapphires? Think about what makes the ring unique and whether it’s unique enough for your loved one. You might even want to design a custom ring!

Reputation of designer

Finally, make sure you’re assessing the reputation of the designer. These exclusive designer engagement rings are a great place to start when looking for designers that you can trust to provide quality in the rings they sell.

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