
The Dos And Don’ts Of Wearing Gemstone Jewellery

Gemstone jewellery has long been cherished for its elegance, symbolism, and beauty. From dazzling diamonds to vibrant rubies, these precious stones have adorned humanity for centuries. However, wearing gemstone jewellery has its own guidelines to ensure that these exquisite pieces retain their brilliance and lustre over time.

This article explores the essential dos and don’ts of wearing gemstone jewellery, helping you maintain its splendour for generations.

Dos Of Wearing Gemstone Jewellery

Embarking upon gemstone jewellery entails adhering to certain guidelines that amplify their longevity and charm. Following these ‘dos’ will assist you in maximizing the beauty and durability of your exquisite pieces.

  • Clean Your Gemstone Jewellery Regularly

Ensuring the enduring radiance of your gemstone jewellery necessitates consistent cleaning. Over time, a buildup of dirt, oils, and residues can obscure the brilliance of your precious gems. To counter this, regular cleaning routines become essential.

For instance, if you plan to clean a diamond ring at home, you can create a gentle solution comprising warm water and mild dish soap. This way, you can effectively remove accumulated grime. Let your jewellery soak briefly, then gently scrub with a soft toothbrush to remove residue and restore its shine. After thoroughly rinse with clean water, pat it dry using a lint-free cloth to add to its sparkle.

Remember, while this method suits most gemstones, softer ones such as pearls, opals, and emeralds require more cautious handling. Regular cleaning guarantees that your gemstone jewellery is a testament to beauty and meticulous care.

  • Store Jewellery Separately

Safeguarding your gemstone jewellery from scratches and potential harm necessitates the practice of storing each piece individually. The varying levels of hardness among gemstones make them susceptible to scratching one another if stored haphazardly.

For instance, placing a diamond necklace next to a sapphire bracelet may result to unwanted abrasions. To prevent this, opt for soft cloth pouches or jewellery boxes with protective lining. These containers offer a shield against friction and contact, ensuring your precious pieces remain both secure and unblemished.

With this practice, you ensure that the allure and integrity of each gemstone is upheld, allowing their distinct beauty to shine without interference.

  • Remove Jewellery During Physical Activities

While gemstones are durable, taking off your jewellery during active tasks like exercising, gardening, or cleaning is wise. These activities put your jewellery at risk from harsh chemicals, impacts, and scratches.

These activities can collectively contribute to degrading the jewellery’s condition or, worse, the loss of precious stones. Taking off your jewellery beforehand safeguards it from unintended damage.

  • Inspect Mountings Regularly

Regularly checking the mountings that hold your gemstones is crucial. These structures are key in keeping the gems attractive. Vigilant inspections are needed as wear and tear can affect even sturdy mountings.

Moreover, pay special attention to prongs, which can loosen over time. A loose prong raises the risk of losing a gem, something to prevent. So, regularly examine your jewellery’s settings. If problems are found, consult a jeweller right away. This safeguards the gems’ beauty and lasting place in your treasured collection.

  • Gentle Handling

Treat your gemstone jewellery with care. Avoid touching the stones excessively, as the oils from your skin can accumulate over time. This may reduce their brilliance. Hold your jewellery by the metal parts to minimize contact with the gem when handling it.

Don’ts Of Wearing Gemstone Jewellery

Now that you’re aware of the dos of wearing gemstone jewellery, it’s equally vital to learn the don’ts to ensure that your cherished adornments continue to shine and endure in all their splendour.

  • Expose Jewellery To Harsh Chemicals

Exposure to harsh chemicals is one of the most critical don’ts of wearing gemstone jewellery. Chemicals found in household cleaners, cosmetics, perfumes, and even chlorinated water can damage the surface of your gemstones. This can lead to dullness or discolouration.

  • Wear Jewellery During Water-Related Activities

Preserving the longevity of your gemstone jewellery involves a crucial practice—refraining from wearing your jewellery during water-related activities. This includes activities like swimming and showering. The is because of the potential harm posed by elements such as chlorine and saltwater.

These substances can inflict irreversible damage on various gemstones and metals. The combination of chemicals in pools and the corrosive nature of saltwater can tarnish, rust, or dull the lustre of your cherished gems. Thus, by removing your jewellery before engaging in water-based activities, you safeguard their enduring beauty and splendour.

  • Subject Jewellery To High Heat Or Sunlight

It’s vital to shield your gemstone jewellery from high heat and direct sunlight. These elements can lead to faded colours, increased fragility, and even cracks in the gems. To prevent these issues, avoid leaving your jewellery in places with extreme temperatures or prolonged sunlight exposure. This simple precaution helps maintain your precious gemstone’s lasting beauty and quality.

  • Neglect Professional Check-Ups

While regular inspections at home are crucial, professional check-ups are equally important. A skilled jeweller can identify issues that may not be visible to the naked eye and provide necessary maintenance to keep your jewellery in optimal condition.

  • Engage In Sports With Jewellery On

For the safety of your gemstone jewellery, it’s best to avoid wearing it during sports and physical activities. These activities carry a risk of impact and damage to your jewellery. To prevent accidents and protect your valuable pieces, remember to always take off your jewellery before engaging in sports or physical exertion. This simple step ensures both your jewellery and your well-being remain intact.


Wearing gemstone jewellery is a delightful way to adorn yourself with the beauty of nature’s treasures. By adhering to the dos and don’ts of caring for these precious gems, you can ensure that your jewellery remains radiant and cherished for years. Regular cleaning, proper storage, gentle handling, and professional maintenance are all key components in preserving the allure and elegance of your gemstone jewellery collection.

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