
What body contouring treatment is best?

Non-surgical body contouring treatments are relatively new methods of improving how our bodies look, without having to go under the knife. These non-surgical treatments are more affordable, less invasive, and less risky, and they can achieve amazing results for men and women of all ages. However, as these treatments are more subtle than their surgical counterparts, results are more subtle as well.

Neither surgical nor non-surgical body contouring treatments should ever be considered an alternative to a healthy lifestyle, and following a healthy diet combined with regular exercise will help you to improve body contouring results as well as maintain them.

Some of the most popular non-surgical body contouring treatments include HI-EMT (High-Intensity Electromagnetic Muscle Therapy), cryolipolysis (fat freezing), and ultrasound cavitation, and each improves our bodies in different ways.

Determining the “better” treatment option among HI-EMT, fat freezing, and ultrasound cavitation can be difficult, and the answer will differ person to person. Which treatment is best for you will depend on various factors, including your individual goals, preferences, and your starting point and specific issues.

Let’s first take a closer look at each of these treatments.

HI-EMT Muscle Stimulation

HI-EMT is a non-invasive procedure that uses electromagnetic energy to induce muscle contractions, targeting specific muscle groups. It is primarily used for muscle toning and strengthening rather than directly targeting cellulite or fat reduction. HI-EMT can help improve muscle definition and may indirectly contribute to improving the overall appearance and fat reduction of the treated area. It is often used for abdominal toning or strengthening the buttocks and can also be used on the arms and legs.


Cryolipolysis is a non-surgical fat reduction procedure that freezes and destroys fat cells in the targeted area. The treatment uses controlled cooling to freeze the fat cells, which are then gradually eliminated by the body’s natural processes.

Cryolipolysis is commonly used for localized fat reduction and reducing stubborn fat bulges and is the only treatment that can reduce the amount of build up fat cells in a specific area, permanently.

Ultrasound Cavitation

Ultrasound cavitation is a non-invasive procedure that uses ultrasound energy to break down fat cells. The treatment targets the fat cells in the desired area, causing them to rupture and release their contents, which are then eliminated by the body. Ultrasound cavitation can be used for body contouring and fat reduction in specific areas, but its direct effectiveness on cellulite reduction is debated. Some studies suggest that it may have a positive impact on cellulite appearance, while others show mixed results.

Ultrasound cavitation is often combined with radiofrequency treatment and vacuum therapy, and as a combination treatment you can see a fat and cellulite reduction and a smoothening of the skin.

Choosing the treatment that is right for addressing your body issues

Choose the treatment based on the issue that you want to address. You may be happy with the results of a one-off treatment, or you may prefer to opt for a course of treatments, or even a combination of treatments over time.

A beautician or clinician will be able to advise you on what treatments are an option for you. However, they should never tell you what you ‘should’ have. The treatment is for you, and a successful treatment is a treatment that helps make you feel good in your skin.

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