
Concealing hearing aids for the fashion conscious

Concealing hearing aids can be important for those who are fashion-conscious or prefer discretion. Here are several ideas and techniques to help make hearing aids less noticeable

Color Matching

Some hearing aid manufacturers offer devices in various shades to match skin tones, which can make them less noticeable.

In-the-Canal (ITC) Hearing Aids

These hearing aids are custom-made to fit inside the ear canal, making them less visible. There are even models that go deeper into the canal, known as Completely-In-Canal (CIC) or Invisible-In-Canal (IIC), which are almost completely hidden.


Longer hair or hairstyles that cover the ears can naturally conceal hearing aids. This includes bobs, shags, or even just tucking hair behind the ears.

Fashionable Hearing Aid Covers

There are stylish and decorative hearing aid covers and skins available that can make the devices look like fashionable ear accessories.

Hearing Aid Jewelry

Some designers create decorative charms or jewelry specifically to adorn hearing aids or cochlear implants. This doesn’t hide them but turns them into a fashion statement.


If you wear glasses, there are hearing aids that can be attached to the arms of the glasses, making them blend in.

Headbands and Scarves

Wearing wide headbands or scarves that cover the ears can conceal behind-the-ear hearing aids.

Hat with Ear Flaps

In colder climates or seasons, hats with ear flaps can be both fashionable and practical for hiding hearing aids.


Headbands While not exactly a traditional hearing aid, bone conduction devices transmit sound through the bones of the skull. These devices can look like a stylish headband, serving both a functional and fashionable purpose.

Earmuffs in Winter

In colder weather, earmuffs can provide warmth and also camouflage hearing aids.

Tinnitus Maskers

These are not hearing aids per se, but for those with tinnitus, there are devices that look like regular earbuds but serve to provide white noise or other sounds to mask the tinnitus.

Opt for Mini Behind-the-Ear Models

Some modern behind-the-ear models are incredibly compact and sit very close to the ear, making them much less noticeable.

Custom Ear Molds

Having custom ear molds made to match your ear’s color and shape can make in-ear hearing aids even less noticeable.

Remember, hearing aids are becoming more accepted as a common accessory, and many people view them as no different than wearing glasses. If you find that it’s difficult to completely hide your hearing aids, embrace them! It’s a tool that helps you, and there’s no shame in using or displaying them.

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